
Investigation of Primary School Students' Technology Addiction According to Some Variables
In this study, it is aimed to determine the technology addiction of primary school students according to some variables. The population of the study consists of 4251 primary school students studying in Diyarbakır Sur district in the 2021-2022 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 510 students determined by random sampling from the universe. The data of the study were collected through the "Technology Addiction Scale" developed by Young (1996) and the "Personal Information Form". The scale, which consists of four sub-dimensions: using social networking (6 items), instant messaging (6 items), playing online games (6 items) and using websites (6 items), was graded on a five-point Likert scale (1-never, 2-rarely, 3-moderately often, 4-moderately often, 4very often, 5-always). In the analysis of the research data; arithmetic mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage values were calculated. In addition, t-test and ANOVA test were used in the research. As a result of the analyses; it was seen that the levels of having technological addictions of the students did not differ significantly according to the gender, school type and class levels of the students.

Technological, Student, Addiction, High School, Adolescent, School
