
An Investigation of Postgraduate Studies on Basic Skills in Social Studies Course
The aim of this study is to examine the postgraduate studies on the basic skills in the social studies course by document analysis. In line with the aim of the study, a total of 50 postgraduate theses written between 2017 and 2022 were analysed. In line with this goal, the main elements of the researches addressing the basic skills of students were analysed. Document analysis method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. Descriptive analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative data analysis techniques, was used as data analysis method. As a result of the studies; it is seen that the most theses involving the basic skills of students were written in 2022 and quantitative research methods were preferred as the research method. In addition to these, when the theses are considered according to the research topics, it is observed that the codes of 'Critical Thinking Skill' and 'Communication Skill' are at the forefront in the theme of students' basic skills 'Ability to cope with stress and emotions'.

Social studies, Student, Basic skills, graduate, Document analysis
