
In the 21st century, Investigation of Programmatic Changes Related to Environmental Values Education in Secondary School Curricula in Turkey
The aim of this study is to examine the curricular changes related to environmental values education in secondary school curricula in Turkey in the 21st century. Values are included both in the explanations and achievements of primary education programmes and the importance of values in the development of the individual is emphasised. In primary education programmes, special emphasis was placed on the multidimensional development of the individual and the importance of values in individual development was mentioned. 11,83% of all learning outcomes in the curricula of 20 primary level courses consist of learning outcomes that address the affective domain and include values. In all primary education programmes, 65 different values are included and the most important value is the value of responsibility, which is repeated 92 times. Respect (38), sensitivity to health (37), justice (26), sensitivity to cultural heritage (25) and diligence (25) values followed the value of responsibility respectively. These values overlap to a certain extent with the root values emphasised by the Ministry of National Education. The programmes with the highest number of value-containing outcomes are games and physical activities, physical education and law and justice programmes.

Values, Education, Values Education, School, Postgraduate
