
Democratic Education Practices
Democratic education is education in which the principles and rules of democracy, human rights and freedoms are transformed into explicit or implicit objectives in education and training programmes and are practically acquired by individuals through learning experiences. The goal of democratic education is to raise citizens who are independent, questioning and analysing in their view of the world, and yet who have a deep knowledge of the rules and practices of democracy. These qualities can only be gained through a student-centred education and training process that provides equal opportunities for individuals, enables sharing, cooperation, active participation and enables learning together by meeting student differences. When we look at today's education systems from a general framework, efforts to shift the traditional structure based on the understanding of education that raises a single type of person towards a democratic structure aiming to raise modern, versatile people are continuing rapidly. This study aims to examine the democratic education model in the Turkish education system and in developed countries, which equips students with accurate and contemporary knowledge with the awareness of their individual differences, ensures their interest and motivation, discovers their talents, gives them self-confidence, disciplines them with tolerance and equality. The study aims to contribute to the profile of an ideal educator culture in democratic education, an objective, democratic attitude, a person with integrity of speech and behaviour in terms of education.

Democratic Education, Student, Democratic School
