
Opinions of Primary School Teachers on Values Education
The aim of this study is to determine the views of teachers working in primary schools about values education. In this study, in which qualitative research method was used, data were obtained from 20 primary school teachers working in public schools with standardised open-ended interview technique. The study group of the research was obtained within the borders of Diyarbakır central district in the 2023-2024 academic year. As a result of the study, it was seen that the teachers working in primary schools were of the opinion that the values education project was a well-thought project in terms of its aims, that it was important and necessary to instil basic values in children, and that values should be taught in all areas of life. In addition, although it is seen that teachers generally have positive judgements about values education, it is also seen that there are negative opinions. In addition to the common opinion that the values education project has achieved its purpose to a great extent, there are also negative opinions. These are; it is claimed that the project did not reach the desired goal, it did not work properly, it was carried out for show and on paper, the lack of implementation phase and the execution of the project became difficult due to missing materials.

Teacher, Education, Values Education, Primary School, Project
