
Determination of the Problems and Solution Suggestions of 1st Grade Teachers Working in Unified Classrooms with Non-Turkish Speaking Students in the First Reading and Writing Lesson and School Adaptation Process
The aim of this study is to obtain the opinions of first grade teachers working in unified classrooms about the problems they face with students who do not speak Turkish and their suggestions for solutions. The study group of the research consists of 38 classroom teachers working in unified classrooms in the villages of Derik district of Mardin province. The research is a qualitative research and the data were collected with a semi-structured interview form. A semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher and consisting of a total of 5 questions was used as a data collection tool. The findings obtained within the scope of the research were evaluated by descriptive content analysis method. In the content analysis method, the findings obtained from the data collection tool were grouped into codes and categories for easy interpretation. The data obtained from the interview forms were coded by the researcher and themes that could interpret the data were created. At the end of the analysis process, the findings defined in detail were evaluated. In order to describe the findings obtained from the content analysis, analysis tables were created and frequencies were given for the results. The findings obtained as a result of content analysis were modelled with NVivo package programme.

Unified Classroom, Non-Turkish Speaking Students, First Literacy, School Adaptation
