
Investigation of School Principals' Paternalistic Leadership Behaviours According to Teachers' Perceptions
The fact that school administrators approach teachers, who are the heroes of education, with compassion and love as a father approaches his children is due to the adoption of paternalistic leadership. It is a well-known fact that paternalistic leadership is intertwined with the cultural structure of Turkey, the extent to which it is in the eyes of schools and how important it is. The aim of this study is to examine the paternalistic leadership behaviours of school principals according to teacher perceptions. The population of the study consists of 10975 teachers working in the central districts of Diyarbakır in the 2022-2023 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 210 teachers determined by random sampling from the population. "Paternalistic Administrator Behaviours Scale (PAYDA)" developed by Saylık and Aydın (2020) was used. The scale consists of 30 items and 5 sub-dimensions. In the analysis of the research data; arithmetic mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage values were calculated. In addition, t-test and ANOVA test were used in the study. As a result of the analyses, it was seen that the paternalistic leadership behaviours of school principals did not differ significantly according to their gender (except for the Philanthropy dimension), education level and seniority.

School, Principal, School, Administrator, Paternalistic, Leader
