
Investigation of School Administrators' Management Styles According to Teachers' Perceptions
Managerial behaviours exhibited by school principals have positive or negative effects on various variables such as school climate, work motivation, academic success of the school and the commitment of all educational stakeholders. While evaluating the management styles applied by school administrators in the education system, it should be taken into consideration that their effects and results concern the whole society. Because educational institutions are important organisations that concern the whole society when they are evaluated with both purpose, functioning and product dimensions. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine the management styles of school administrators according to teacher perceptions. The population of the study consists of 1022 teachers working in the central districts of Diyarbakır in the 2022-2023 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 190 teachers determined by random sampling from the population. In the data of the study, the "Perceived Principal Management Style Scale" developed by Üstüner (2016) was used to determine teachers' perceptions of principal management style. The scale consists of 4 dimensions and 25 statements. As a result of the study; it was seen that the management styles of school administrators did not differ significantly according to teachers' gender, being or not being an administrator, seniority and education levels.

Management, Authoritarian, Cooperation, Education, Principal, Teacher.
