
Cumhuriyet Newspaper during the Anarchy Period in Turkey and the 12 September Coup (1968-1980)
Turkey experienced political crises between 1968-1980. Left and right cliques were in conflict with each other. However, there were also socio-economic reasons for the conflicts. Poor youth, affected by the economic crisis, acted with a sense of belonging and were integrated into political groups, leading to the beginning of the terror period. Although Cumhuriyet newspaper tried to follow a neutral attitude during the anarchy period, it was more tolerant towards leftist movements based on certain sensitivities. The newspaper was sensitive to issues related to secularism and Atatürk's revolutions. The secularist and Kemalist policies displayed during the Cold War period led the newspaper to be known as a leftist newspaper. However, the newspaper chose a cautious approach towards conflicting leftist and rightist groups. Supporting the coups of 27 May, 12 March and 12 September, the newspaper started to criticise these coups after a short period of time. The newspaper followed a democratic editorial policy in the face of the coups and the endangerment of democracy. The aim and objective of the study is to reveal the editorial policy of the newspaper based on the news published in Cumhuriyet during the anarchy period between 1968-1980 and the coup d'état of 12 September 1980.

Cumhuriyet Newspaper, Right, Left, Political History, Democracy
