
Security Problem in Schools
Students' feeling safe in the school environment or on the way to school is an important issue that affects the peace and future of not only students but also society. In order for students to achieve academic success and develop their potential, they must first feel safe at school. Security problems commonly observed in schools such as violence, aggression and bullying have negative effects on all students. However, it can be said that students are more disadvantaged in encountering and coping with such problems. Therefore, it is very important to identify the security problems experienced by students in the school environment and on the way to and from school in order to solve these security problems in the future and prevent them from happening again. This can be realised with the cooperation of all stakeholders, including school administrators, teachers and parents, who are involved in the issue of school safety. It is aimed that the results of this study will bring solutions to the security problems experienced by students at school and on the way to school and contribute to the literature in this sense.

Student, Teacher, School, Security, Danger, Academic achievement
